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Hike in advance income tax for non filers may discourage on money

The government’s decision of making sharp increase in advance income tax for non-filers may augur well for the local industry as they believe that this will at least eliminate investors and curb premium on spot sales of locally assembled vehicles.

However, the decision may create some hassle for the local assemblers in view of cumbersome procedural requirements  and data confirmation of non filer but the decision may put help in curbing the menace of on money which used to thrive on investors’ presence.

Some authorised dealers said there will be no problem for filer of income tax. Out of total car sales in the country the share of corporate and government buying is 20-25 per cent followed by 15-20 per cent of car sales based on leasing. Buyers also include growers, farmers, businessmen and traders. They said that some 30 per cent of buyers’ category is vulnerable which do not pay income tax and it is to be seen how they would behave over the government’s decision. They said that the situation will clear in the next two months in terms of car sales.

Authorised dealers have issued the schedule for collecting advance income tax on purchase of new cars and jeeps relating to filers and non filers of income tax. The assemblers will collect the advance income tax as per decision taken in the Federal Budget 2014-2015 and will deposit the tax to the government treasury.

Pakistan Pak Suzuki Motor Company (PSMCL) had issued a circular to its authorized dealers on July 3, 2014 regarding ex-factory prices inclusive of advance income tax.

For example, the ex-factory price of Mehran VX and Mehran VXR is Rs 625,000 and Rs 678,000 on which Rs 10,000 advance income tax is fixed for filer and non filer. On Wagon R VX, Wagon R VXR and Wagon R VXL models whose price is Rs 899,000, Rs 1,049,000 and Rs 1,089,000 respectively, advance income tax on filer and non filer is Rs 20,000 and Rs 25,000 respectively.

Advance income tax on Cultus VXR is Rs 20,000 for filer and Rs 25,000 for non filer. The price of Cultus VXR is Rs 1,034,000. The rate of advance income tax on Liana RXI and Liana 1RXI for filer is Rs 50,000 and Rs 100,000 for non filer. The price of Liana RXI and IRXI is Rs 1,365,000 and Rs 1,444,000 respectively.

Swift DLX, DX STD, AT, DLX NV and AT NV whose price is 1,282,000, 1,418,000, Rs 1,330,000 and Rs 1,466,000 on which the dealers will collect Rs 50,000 for filer and Rs 100,000 for non filer.

Honda Atlas Pakistan will collect advance tax of Rs 30,000 and Rs 40,000 for filer and non filer on Honda Citi, while on Citi Aspire the amount for filer is Rs 50,000 and Rs 100,000 for non filer. On Honda Civic (all variables), Rs 75,000 will be charged from filer and Rs 150,000 from non filer.

Assemblers have asked their authorized dealers to carefully check customer’s status (either filer or non filer) on the website of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

According to changes in withholding tax law vide Finance Act 2014, purchase of car and jeep from a manufacturer will attract payment of adjustable advance tax and the obligation of collecting the advance tax has been placed on every manufacturer.

Where advance tax has not been collected by the manufacturer (as stated above) or at the time of import of a motor vehicle, the Excise and Taxation Department at the time of registration of vehicle shall collect adjustable advance tax.

In addition, payment of adjustable advance tax will also be attracted at the time of transfer of registration or ownership of a private motor vehicle within five years from the date of first registration and the obligation of collecting the advance tax have been placed on the Excise and Taxation Department.

On 1,801cc to 2,000cc, Rs 100,000 is for filer and Rs 200,000 for non filer. From 2001cc to 2,500cc the rate of tax on filer is Rs 150,000 and Rs 300,000 for non filer. On 2,501-3,000cc the rate for filer is Rs 200,000 and Rs 400,000 for non filer. On above 3,000cc the advance tax on filer is Rs 250,000 and Rs 450,000 for non filer.

In the category of rate of collection of tax at the time of collection of motor vehicle tax – Division III of Part IV of 1st Schedule, the rate of collection of adjustable advance at the time of collection of motor vehicle tax (token tax) is collected on annual basis in respect of private motor cars have been revised and higher rates have been prescribed for non filers. Up to 1,000cc the rate is Rs 1,000 for filer and non filer. In 1001-1,199 cc the rate is Rs 1,800 for filer and Rs 3,600 for non filer. On 2,000cc-1,299cc, the rate is Rs 2,000 and Rs 4,000 for filer and non filer. On 1,300-1,499cc, the rate is Rs 3,000 and Rs 6,000 for filer and non filer. On 1,500cc-1,599cc the rate is Rs 4,500 and Rs 9,000 for filer and non filer. In 1,600-1,999cc, the rate is Rs 6,000 and Rs 12,000 for filer and non filer. On 2,000cc and above, the rate is Rs 12,000 and Rs 24,000 for filer and non filer.

In case where motor vehicle tax is collected on lump sum, then up to 1,000cc the rate is Rs 10,000 for filer and non filer. From 1,001-1,199cc, the rate is fixed at Rs 18,000 for filer and Rs 36,000 for non filer. From 1,200-1,299cc, the rate is 20,000 for filer and Rs 40,000 for non filer while on 1,300cc-1,499cc, the rate is Rs 30,000 for filer and Rs 60,000 for non filer. From 1,500cc-1,599cc the rate is Rs 45,000 for filer and Rs 90,000 for non filer. On 1,600-1,999cc, the rate is Rs 60,000 and Rs 120,000 for filer and non filer. On 2,000cc and above, the rate of filer and non filer is Rs 120,000 and Rs 240,000 respectively.

To facilitate Excise and Taxation Department, a list of filers is available on FBR’s website to ensure that tax is deducted at source at appropriate rates. All individuals whose CNIC is not included in the list and all companies whose NTN is not included in the list, are liable to deduction of tax at source at higher rate.

Commenting on changes in withholding tax law, Chairman All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association (APMDA), H.M. Shahzad said first the government reduced age of used cars to three from five years followed by cut in depreciation limit to two years. In new Budget, the government raised import duties on used car imports and made changes in withholding tax law which would scared away buyers. Many people may not be able to pay these prohibitive taxes which mean the government is penalizing public for buying cars.

He said Pakistani citizens have become the highest taxed person in the world as everything of common use is taxed directly or indirectly.


Company Profile

Click on following link to view company’s profile:

1) Raazy Motor (Hi-Speed)

2) Memon Motos (Super Star)

3) D.S Motor (Unique)

Monthly Automark September 2014

Monthly Automark September 2014

Pakistani Companies Participate in CBI Export Coaching Program

THE HAGUE, 1 Sept. 2014. CBI, the Dutch Centre for Promotion Of Exports from Developing Countries today launched a five day seminar EXPRO 102 designed for enhancing the exporting skills of Pakistani Engineering Sector Exporters and also the capacity building of Pakistani Business Support Organisations who are stakeholders in the drive to enhance Pakistani Exports. With the Pakistan government planning an exponential growth in Pakistan’s exports, the initiative from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is well programmed for achieving its goals.


There are five Pakistani Engineering Sector Companies participating in the present Seminar with seven participants while there are two participants from TDAP. A-One Techniques, Haseen Habib, ESP, Al Hadeed and Comcept are the companies attending the current Seminar.

The countries represented at the EXPRO are Pakistan, Vietnam, Phillipines, South Africa and Indonesia, at the NH Hotel, The Hague, The Netherlands.


The Private Sector SME companies are undergoing a four year CBI Export Coaching Program, during which they are being coached and mentored by CBI Experts to make them stable exporters and lead their companies to export led growth. The present group has undergone local training in Pakistan through CBI Experts and attending Workshops on Market Research, Process Control and other on going training programs initiated by the CBI.


During the present Seminar, the EXPRO102 participants shall be led through the process of refining their Export Marketing Plan as well as training on Cultural Sensitiveness needed for export sales, Buyer Behaviour, Trade Practices etc. The group will also spend one day at the TIV, Hardenberg, The Netherlands. This regional  Trade Fair for sub contracting and networking will prepare the group participants for their entry to European trade Fairs.


The BSOD EXPRO102 Program is designed to steer Pakistan into new directions of Exports, and prepare them for Skills Training and improving skills levels of their staff, for  creating effective Sectoral Export Marketing Plans to achieve export-led of the Pakistan economy.



The five day Seminar is being conducted at the NH Hotel, at The Hague, Holland, by CBI Experts Julian Lawson,  Imtiaz Rastgar Jan Elferink, Peter Lichthart Allan Gozon, together with  Cor Dieleman, CBI Country Program Manager for Pakistan. Two officers from the TDAP are also attending this program as part of CBI BSOD Program.


CBI works on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to promote exports from developing countries to Europe. CBI has Export Coaching Programs running in the Engineering and Food Ingredients Sectors of Pakistan.

– PR by Imtiaz Rastgar

Registration of Auto vendors with EDB

Registration of Auto vendors with EDB

Up to 2003-2004, when deletion programs were active in Pakistan, there was a compulsory process that all the parts manufacturers had to register themselves with the EDB. But from July 2004 to July 2014 (one decade) this practice was abolished.

“It is a good idea that the Engineering Development Board is again taking the issue of vendors’ registration with the EDB,” chairman Association of Pakistan Motorcycle Assemblers (APMA), Mohammad Sabir Shaikh said.

In Pakistan, a number of parts vendors have become entrepreneurs having staff of less than five persons but are not registered with the Sales Tax due to low volume of production and lack of knowledge and education, he said.

The EDB should avoid putting any pressure on such entrepreneurs that force them to pack up their businesses. However, they are genuine manufactures of many parts and supplying to small units through big vendors, Sabir said.

If the EDB wants to ensure registration of two three wheelers’ vendors with the EDB – the Board must include APMA chairman and vice chairman from Karachi and Lahore in a committee who will visit vendors for verifications otherwise the move to register vendors with the EDB would prove something negative. 

All the 2/3/4 wheelers are required to operate under the criteria defined in SRO 656(I)/2006 and procure their inputs through sources as defined in SRO 656(I)/2006 i.e. i) import through the system as per lists approved by EDB, ii) Manufacturing of parts through in-house facilities and iii) procurement from Sales Tax registered vendors having in-house facilities for the manufacturing of parts.

While submission of initial list and submission of reconciled records at the end of the year, it has been observed that certain vendors having no existence or traders operating under the garb of vendors are reported by the OEMs which has opened the window for pass through of parts and also encouraged the supply of sub-standard parts to OEMs specially of 2/3 wheelers.

This mechanism has also discouraged the localization of parts in the country besides causing revenue loss to the national exchequer.

It is also a fact that all the vendors reported by the OEMs in the list are not approved by EDB under SRO 655(I)/2006 because they do not use the concessionary regime of the SRO 655. It is also to inform that all the vendors are also not member of PAAPAM and as such it becomes difficult for EDB to ascertain their gentility without assessing manufacturing facilities these vendors possess, as they are not operating under the concessionary regime of SRO 655(I)/2006.

In order to have a complete data of the local vendors supplying parts to the OEMs, irrespective of their registration/ membership with EDB/ PAAPAM, it is proposed that all the vendors supplying parts to any of the OEMs should be required to register with EDB and made liable to provide status of their manufacturing facilities to be verified by EDB to ensure the procurement sources. This measure would create ample space for further localization and growth of industry.

The above issue will also be discussed at length in the 20th AIDC meeting to be held on August 18, 2014.



Federal Ministries, government departments need attitude change

Federal government’s departments including the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) need to change their attitude otherwise the situation pertaining to routine matters will remain the same.

After June 2006, the industry continues to operate under tremendous pressure coupled with step motherly treatment of federal government departments and ministries. Till today, bureaucratic hurdles and officials’ lethargic attitude still exist.

In the last 10 years, same people in the bureaucracy have been sitting on their seats who have seen three different governments in their tenure.

Like past the Federal Board of Revenue has recently issued sales tax audit notices to every motorcycle assemblers and their vendors. “Are these part of the policies which have been adopted in the last 10 years or there is some kind of pressure from the EDB,” chairman Association of Pakistan Motorcycle Assemblers (APMA), Mohammad Sabir Shaikh said. The language of the notices clear reflects the secret hand of the EDB in formulating the notices, he added.

The turnover of three to four big auto sector assemblers of cars and motorcycles is bigger than 500 small assemblers and vendors. But the government, like past practice, has always created problems for small units leaving big assemblers to operate freely.

According to sales tax notices, the FBR demands sales tax records under section 37 and 38 (2) of the sales tax act 1990 for the period 1.07.2011 to 30.6.2013.

The FBR informed the field commissioners to examine the assemblers and vendors of motorcycles in their areas that are they following SRO 656/2006 dated 22.6.2006 and check have they procured the parts and components from the importers and traders instead of original manufacturers.

It is also notable that the genuine manufacturers supplying parts to the OEMs are making parts by themselves or importing these parts from China as the cost of production of auto parts in China is much lower than Pakistan.

Assemblers have been asked to submit following documents for sales tax audit.

1)Purchase register and sales register.

2)Purchase invoices and bill of entries of imports.

3)Monthly sales tax returns and cash payment receipts to NBP.

4)Compliance of SRO 656/2006. These documents are provided to the EDB.

5)Utility bills

Chairman APMA Mohammad Sabir Shaikh said that for the last one decade the small assemblers have been facing these kind of problems.

He urged the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and FBR chairman to stop these kinds of bottlenecks as the industry has already been surviving under stiff business and political environment.

The government should refrain from creating hardships and support the industry in order to pull out the assemblers from hot water, he said.

He urged the government to appoint CEO of the EDB immediately and try to fill this post by taking a competent person from the private sector or the industry.

Sabir said that the industry and the vendors were highly hopeful after taking over of PML-N government in 2013 but so far the political crisis appears to have deepened which has put on hold the future investment plans by the local industry.

He said there is a need to end the monopoly of big assemblers and vendors who enjoy upper hand in all the policy making in every government. As a result, the voice of small units remains unheard.

The political heat engulfing Islamabad mainly and other parts of the country since August 14 because of sit in by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Awami Tehreek is one of the main problems of people who are looking forward for change in government that can bring good industrial and government policies besides resolution of their genuine problems.


The rise and fall of Dewans

In June 2006, Dewan Mushtaq Group’s (DMG) sales were over $665 million. It was under a long term debt of $175 million on the books and posted a net profit of $5.8 million. A year later it announced its first net loss ever recorded. And a year later it was Pakistan’s largest bank defaulter.

New entrant in the market

It is a good sign that some new entrants are trying to enter the local auto market after taking over of PML-N government.

These new entrants are in constant touch with the Engineering Development Board (EDB) discussing their investment proposals.

Pakistani car assemblers still unhappy over falling used cars imports

The assemblers of cars are still unsatisfied over sharp drop in import of used cars (from 660cc to 3,000cc) vehicles saying that the import continues despite government’s decision of restricting the arrival through various measures.

According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), import of cars plunged by 44 per cent in 2013-2014 to $177 million as compared to $313.5 million in 2012-2013. But these figures do not impress the local car industry.