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Reality check on new and existing car assemblers

It is unfair to put the entire onus on the new entrants for not introducing any below 800cc cars especially 660cc under the Auto Policy 2016-2021 and keeping their focus more on bringing Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and high engine power vehicles.

Before grilling the new players, let us go back and review Japanese assemblers’ dominance and their practices for providing obsolete and decades-old cars.

Chairman Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM), Abdul Rehman Aizaz in a print media report has hit the new entrants easily for ignoring middle class buyers and racing towards introducing SUVs. This attack on the new entrants has come at a time when the Auto Policy 2016-2021 is nearing end on June 30, 2021.

Certainly, Mr Rehman and their decades-old vendors under the umbrella of PAAPAM, who mostly rely on Japanese assemblers’ orders for parts and accessories manufacturing, are sure of not losing any big business in criticizing Korean and Chinese players. PAAPAM chief and his members know very well that they will invite their doomsday in case of raising eyebrows against the Japanese assemblers on various issues.

PAAPAM members, mostly dominated by blue-eyed vendors of Japanese assemblers, had never shown their anger loud and clear as to why decades old cars were still being rolled out which did not exist in any parts of the world.

Suzuki Mehran ruled the roads for 30 years without any complete change in models and engines followed by 12 years of Suzuki Alto, 16 years of Suzuki Cultus, 11 years of Honda Civic, eight to nine years of Toyota Corolla and 10-12 years of Daihatsu Coure. Surprisingly, Suzuki Bolan and Suzuki Ravi, which are also 20-30 years old technology, are still being assembled without any complete change in models.

PAAPAM members had remained tight-lipped after getting businesses from Japanese assemblers and their businesses kept on thriving without any additional investment and expenditures, thanks to the smooth flow of orders from the Japanese assemblers.

Japanese assemblers were clever enough too as they did not take any risk in completely changing the models when the demand was already upbeat and people did not have the option. Used small imported cars of 660cc had penetrated deep in the markets but it cannot give any serious dent to the iconic Suzuki Mehran, Alto 1000cc, Cultus and Bolan, which encouraged assemblers to keep the assembly line operational for decades.

However, a daring man emerged from the PAAPAM fraternity and that was Capt (retd) Muhammad Akram who as a chairman of PAAPAM before Rehman Aizaz had shaken the assemblers as well as their favorite part makers of Japanese assemblers.
For the first time in 15 years, during January 2020, Akram dared to speak out against the local vehicle assemblers over low localization and high prices.
He pointed out various SROs especially 655(I)/2006 which had only benefited local assemblers instead of auto vendors and consumers.

Akram claimed that the association’s website mentions 70 per cent localisation for production of Suzuki Mehran – which was discontinued in April, 2019 after three decades.
The real situation in cars was different as localization levels in 660-1,800cc cars ranged between 45-55pc while assemblers claimed higher localisation.

He had written a letter on low localisation, high prices and misuse of SROs to the Ministry of Industries. He claimed that it was the first time that PAAPAM has raised objections on the above issues especially SRO655 so far in the last 15 years.
Capt Akram is reported to have paid the price of being vocal against the assemblers as many vendors of Japanese car assemblers had indirectly criticized him as they felt that his outburst would cost them heavily. He was indirectly asked to keep a mum on various issues between assemblers and vendors. After that, Capt Akram had almost suspended appearing in the media before his tenure came to an end in August/September 2020.
Sources said Prime Minister Imran Khan is reported to have recently assured the Japanese and Pakistani executives of Toyota for supporting the hybrid assembly initiative. Honda is also ambitious in first introducing hybrid vehicles.
The government appears confused as it has already announced incentives for promoting electric vehicles assembly while on the other hand it is creating confusion by signalling support to hybrid vehicle assembly.

After Mr Muhammad Akram, Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) in its budget proposals for 2,021-2,022 has finally grilled the car assemblers. KCCI said in the last 40 years, auto assemblers have enjoyed protective duties, exemptions and virtual monopoly in Pakistan’s automobile car market.

Contrary to initial agreements, the assemblers failed to implement a deletion programme up to 90pc. Instead, they are importing completely knocked-down kits (CKD) while they have created vendors who mostly import auto parts and supply them to these assemblers.
Consequently, the so-called vendor industry is only producing low quality and non-mechanical parts which are clearly visible in locally assembled cars. So far the assemblers have only drained Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves to the tune of billions of dollars. Quality of automobiles produced by the assemblers is so poor that not a single unit of these cars has ever been exported to any country.
Despite such poor quality, artificial shortage is created to fetch a premium on the early delivery and allow undocumented investors to exploit genuine buyers.

The KCCI believes that more than enough protection has been given for decades to assemblers. The chamber urged the government to allow commercial import of used cars of models up to five years old besides a 50pc cut in tariff rates for import of used cars followed by restoration of depreciation to 50pc.
Coming back to PAAPAM chief Abdul Rehman Aizaz, he said the key objective of the 2016-21 auto policy was to bring competition that would result in reduction of car prices, especially in the entry level segment so that the middle-class population of the country would be able to purchase smaller cars.
Unfortunately, after almost five years, though the auto market has been flooded with SUVs and high-end passenger cars, there is not a single entry level car below 800cc by any international brand of repute.
Under the 2016-21 policy, new entrants are allowed import of parts at concessionary custom duty of just 10 per cent, while old manufacturers are importing these parts at 30pc custom duty.

He said the assembly of SUVs is an easy option for new entrants. “They have been allowed to import most of its parts at a concessionary rate of duty due to a thin ‘A max part list’ of this segment, assemble the vehicle and sell these in the market easily which is already booming because of low interest rates and a high demand from consumers.”

“Actually the auto policy of 2016-21 has resulted in a price benefit for high-end consumers of SUVs and passenger cars,” he added. Concessions on import duty provided in the 2016-21 policy would continue till June 2026. These concessions have resulted in subsidisation of imports, loss of revenue to the government, employment generation in a foreign country instead of Pakistan, loss of GDP to the country etc, he lamented.

Without any doubt the 2016-21 policy, especially in case of new assemblers, resulted in slowdown of localisation and loss of business to auto part manufacturers who are key stakeholders in the automobile value chain and where bulk of the employment is generated, he added.
In the new Auto Policy 2021-26, there are indications that duties on completely built-up (CBU) and completely knocked-down (CKD) will be reduced across all segments of passenger cars and SUVs.

Reduction in CBU and CKD would once again result in subsidising the imports and that too mostly in the luxury cars and SUV segment.
The Paapam chief was of the opinion that to reduce the prices of entry level cars, concessions should be targeted towards this very segment only. Instead of reducing CKD and CBU duties, concessions in mark-up rates for financing smaller cars, abolishing federal excise duty and additional custom duty on raw materials and parts, reduction in sales tax rates etc. should be considered.

“Before finalisation, there is a need that all proposals shall be deliberated in detail with ample time and opportunity to discuss the pros and cons and come up with a policy that will support the Make in Pakistan vision of the Prime Minister,” Mr Aizaz summed up.
Here a question arises. PAAPAM chief was not happy over low localization from new entrants due to a policy of favouring new entrants. What about localization targets achieved by the existing assemblers.

Japanese assemblers especially the bike assemblers have been playing havoc with the prices despite gaining rupee against the dollar which was equal to Rs 168.42 during August 2020 as compared to Rs 152-153 currently, making a solid case of low landed cost of imported parts.

But the assemblers and the vendors had come out with a justification that rising raw material prices in world markets coupled with soaring steel prices have diluted the impact of rupee appreciation against the dollar. The assemblers are already flexing their muscles to further increase prices which they already did in the previous months.
Shankar Talreja at Topline Securities said car prices had already gone up by 4.3 per cent to 5.1 per cent from August 20 till to date.

He said there has been a global shift towards SUVs and that trend with auto policy 2016-21 has become more affordable for consumers as well.
In Pakistan, the market for SUVs remained untapped and hardly one to two models were offered to the consumers and that too at higher price brackets of over Rs seven million.
Mr Talreja said with new auto policy, assemblers have targeted top-notch sedans buyers and have provided them with more luxury at similar price brackets of sedan.
He said higher engine power vehicles have emerg¬ed as more profitable while smaller cars will have to face a direct competition with Suzuki Alto 660cc.

A Korean car and SUV assembler said very few companies have below 1,000cc models.
A Chinese assembler said that currently China does not have any small car like 660cc (petro engine) while the trend of small cars in China is fast fading after the electric vehicle revolution.
Besides, Pakistan is a competitive market for small cars where feasibility does not favor bringing small cars.

Small cars are only available in India which will prove price effective for the consumers but mounting political tensions between the two countries do not allow this option.
He said international new entrants are not in a position to invest in risky small car assembly in Pakistan keeping in view some Chinese small cars of 800-1000cc introduced by local investors as they have been struggling for their survival.
Pakistan has attracted over one billion dollars in investment from new entrants — mainly from Korea and China — under the Auto Policy 2016-2021 but not a single below 800cc cars were introduced.

New entrants feel that it is a total risk now in Pakistan to assemble below 800cc cars owing to lack of trust of buyers on Chinese cars which is much evident from deteriorating sales production and sales of various models like Prince, Alpha and Bravo (800-1,000cc). They are definitely cheaper than Korean and Japanese counterparts but have so far failed to attract new buyers. Lack of resale value and concerns of quality and durability are other concerns of consumers who think twice before purchasing Chinese vehicles. The next option for them at this price of Chinese cars is Japanese imported used cars.

Surprisingly, buyers, who ignore small Chinese cars, go wild for MG, Glory and other SUV Chinese brands which have been running side by side with Japanese brands and the numbers on the roads are growing.

Besides, the cost of assembly of small cars appears unfeasible for assemblers due to no concession on parts and accessories imports and limited profit margin.

Roshan Apni Car Financing

The State Bank of Pakistan started the Roshan Apni Car scheme with the collaboration of different Commercial Banks. The overseas Pakistani who want to deposit the amount in Roshan digital account car scheme can choose the foreign currency account or local currency account.

Financial Institutions offering Roshan apni car scheme:

Applicants for this scheme can apply through Roshan Apni Aar UBL, Roshan Apni Car HBL, Roshan Apni Car Faysal Bank, Roshan Apni Car Meezan Bank, Roshan Apni Car MCB Bank, Roshan Apni car BOP, Roshan Apni Car Bank AL Habib, Roshan Apni Car NBP Bank, Roshan Apni Car Alfalah Bank.
More local Banks are in process of internal policy which will be highlighted in the coming days / weeks. The above active Banks can be approached through their websites or email address available on social media.

• An initiative by State Bank of Pakistan to facilitate overseas Pakistanis having active Roshan Digital Accounts.
• Roshan Apni Car can be applied by Salaried Individuals, Business Men & Can also be offered to individuals wanting to Lien their amounts against car loan.
• The loan period / tenure is between One to Seven Years.
• Special K+ rates & Terms options are being offered by Different local Islamic & Conventional Financial Institutions with reference to SBP schedule rates.

Roshan Apni Car facility is available on Locally Manufactured Brand-New Vehicles only

Terms reference on Roshan Apni Car Conventional Bank (1).
Loan Size:

• Minimum PKR 200,000/- and Maximum PKR 7,500,000/-
Down Payment / Equity Requirement:
• Min 15% of Vehicle’s Value Up to Rs.6.0M Financing & Min 20% of Vehicle’s Value for Financing above Rs. 6.0M
• 0% Equity against Lien Based Financing
Financing Tenor:
• 2 – 7 Years for all vehicles
Eligibility criteria for Roshan Apni Car
• Must be Bank Roshan Digital Account Holder.
• Local Nominee in Pakistan is mandatory.

Lien Based Financing:
• 100% lien shall be marked equivalent to finance amount on Roshan Digital Account or Naya Pakistan Certificate till the maturity of loan.
• Minimum balance in Roshan Digital Account or investment in Naya Pakistan Certificate should be equivalent to finance amount.

• Minimum Age 21 Years to 65 Years at time of loan maturity
• U$D 3,000/- per month or equivalent
• Currently employed, with a total employment experience of 06 months

Self Employed Businessmen / Professional:
• Minimum Age 21 to 70 years at time of loan maturity
• U$D 4,000/- per month or equivalent
• Minimum 1 Years in current Business

  • Documentation as per Segment

Lien Based Segment
• Only Basic Documentation
• Salaried Individuals
• Salary Slip / Salary Certificate
• Bureau Report of Country of Residence

Self Employed Individuals / Professionals:
• Tax Returns
• Commercial Registration Certificate (where applicable)
• 06 months Bank Statement or Income Verification Report
• Account Maintenance Certificate
• Bureau Report of Country of Residence

Remittance Based:
• Remitter Job / Income Proof
• Remitter Passport Copy
• 6 months remittance slips / 6 months Bank Statement of Remittee.

Terms reference on Roshan Apni Car Conventional Bank (2).

Roshan Apni Car (RAC) Facility for Roshan Digital Account (RDA) holders.
This facility would be offered to individuals having Roshan Digital Account (RDA) at Bank to purchase vehicle for himself / herself, or for his / her spouse, parents, or children living in Pakistan. The vehicle shall be registered in the name of applicant or co-applicant with HPA in favor of BANK, whether the facility is lien based or non-lien based.

Application stage procedure:
Customer will fill online application form and attach required documents on online portal. Customer’s information with attached documents shall be digitally transmitted to authorized person at CBD. The proposal shall be processed based on digitally transmitted data and documents. In case of any shortcoming / discrepancy, shall be resolved in coordination with the customer via email / phone call.
After approval of the facility, legal documents shall be dispatched first to
co-applicant, and then to applicant (overseas) for his / her signature. In case the customer is visiting Pakistan, documents shall be executed here as per existing practice, otherwise his / her signature shall be verified from BANK account instead of embassy endorsement. Product

Eligibility Criteria:
Non-Resident RDA holder with Resident (Spouse, Parent, or Children) co-applicant. Where the applicant is Resident, co-applicant is not necessary.
• Regular Salaried individuals with minimum 2 years experience of current employer
• Contractual Salaried individuals with minimum 3 years experience
• Self-Employed Professionals (SEP) and Business Individuals with minimum 3 years experience of similar business / profession.
• Holder of Permanent Resident Card / Nationality for Non-Gulf Countries, and Residency / Resident Card for Gulf Countries
• Having clear credit history in eCIB, Data Check, and credit report of country of stay (wherever possible)
• Minimum age at the time of application: 25 year
• Maximum age at maturity of financing: 60 years for salaried, 65 years for SEP and Business Individuals. For lien based facility, minimum experience shall not be applicable, whereas DBR may be up to regulatory requirement.

Product Pricing Lien Based or Variable Rates:
SBP Floor + 1.0% of Fixed Rates: COD* + 1.0% Non-Lien Based or Variable Rates: 1 Year KIBOR + 1.0% of Fixed Rates: Respective PKRV + 1.5% * Certificate of Deposit rate of Mahana Munafa Account for respective tenure to be applied.
Similar to KIBOR, SBP Floor and Respective PKRV of last working day of previous month shall be considered at the time of approval of the facility.
The facility shall be valid for 60 days from the date of approval. For lien based fixed rates, the tenure of financing shall be up to the maturity of deposit Insurance rates shall be arranged in line with SBP guidelines.
Co-Applicant for Non-Resident RDA holder, Resident Pakistani shall be added as co-applicant for vehicle registration and legal documentation purpose.

Minimum Net Monthly Income:
• Employed / Working in Gulf Countries: Equivalent to DHS 10,000/-
• Employed / Working in UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and countries where

BANK has branches / representative offices:
Equivalent to USD 3,000/- Conversion rate of foreign currency shall be calculated according to privilege exchange rate. Where the co-borrower is added for income clubbing as well, income requirement and verifications of the co-borrower shall be conducted in line with Apni Car product program. Where the co-borrower is added other than income clubbing, his/her income and related documents shall not be required. For lien based facility, minimum income requirement, and restrictions of stated jurisdictions shall not be applicable.

Required Documents:
• Valid copy of CNIC / SNIC / NICOP, Passport, Visa, and residency card / work permit.
• Recent photographs of applicant and co-applicant.
• Online application form
• Credit report from country of stay (wherever possible).

Income related Documents for Salaried:
• Latest 3 months salary slips
• Latest employment certificate with date of joining
• Last six month bank statement; where salary is being credited
• Contact detail of HR representative for verification of applicant’s

Credential (1) For Self Employed Professionals / Business Individuals:
• Valid proof of business setup / license / registration certificate
• Last six month bank statement For lien based facility, credit report from country of stay, and income related documents shall not be mandatory.

Approving Authorities Financing Amount Recommending Authority Approving Authority Up to Rs. 5mn N/A any three members of CBD CC Above Rs. 5mn and up to Rs. 10mn N/A GHB along with any three members of CBD CC Above Rs. 10mn GHB Sub-CC
Verifications: Verifications for lien based facility shall not be required. For non-lien based facility, following shall be observed;

• Verifications of current residence to be waived, however the residence address in Pakistan (where the co-borrower resides) to be verified.  Physical verification of office would not be possible, however confirmation be obtained via email wherever possible.

• Bank Statement Verification to be conducted through email address of respective bank.
• Telephonic Verification of office and from customer to be conducted wherever possible.
• Verification of income related documents; (2) For Salaried: To be verified from employer’s official email address (3) For SEP and Business Individuals: To be verified from registered business association’s email address / licensor (where available) the above mentioned addition shall also be applicable for Islamic Auto Finance under Diminishing Musharaka. All other product parameters of Apni Car Product Program shall remain unchanged.

Who will register & can receive the vehicle?

The applicant will give authorization to his family members: wife, children, mother, father and real siblings to receive the vehicle after dealing with the banks in Pakistan. And the vehicle will be registered in the name of your family member who made deal with the bank. (Terms & Conditions of Banks / Financing Institution may differ in some cases). The ultimate Goal of all Institutions are to accommodate maximum number of customers).

Priority Delivery of Roshin Apni Car.
In order to promote Local Assembled Vehicles Sales in current Covid situation & to promote Government’s / SBP Roshan Apni Car Scheme some local Vehicle Assemblers are taking bold steps by expediting deliveries of booked vehicles. (Vehicle Delivery Period may differ from Assembler to Assembler).

Dear viewers as SBP has initiated said lending on a broader spectrum with the supportof local Banks & local Automobile Assemblers a lot of improvements & ease in processes / terms & conditionwill be observed in the coming days.

The above information has been gathered from different media sources & hence any variation in figures / report is regretted in advance.

Note: Written by Aqeel Bashir for Automark, published in Automark Magazine June-2021 printed edition.

2021 Pakistan Auto Show postponed; new dates announced

Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts & Accessories Manufacturers postponed the 2021 “Pakistan Auto Show-2021” in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak. The event was originally slated for July 2-5, 2021 at Karachi Expo Centre.

As per the association’s website www.paps.pk. the new dates for the show has been announced as 12- 14 November-2021. It is assumed that this future event will take place at the Karachi Expo Center on given dates, where postponed event has been planned.

Like other events around the country, the Karachi Auto Show is a great opportunity for attendees to witness many new vehicles all at one place, often without the hassle of dealing with sales personnel.

As per our sources most of the leading assemblers of cars, commercial vehicles and 2-3 wheelers have booked their spaces for this show while many leading parts manufacturers and accessories companies had booked spaces to exhibit their products.

Many Chinese companies had shown their interest and booked spaces. Organizer has planned to reserve a complete hall of Expo Center for the foreign exhibitors. Last year Chinese and foreign exhibitors could not attended the Pakistan Auto Show at Lahore due to the pandemic.

At Karachi Expo Centre, local government has established COVID-19 vaccine center since last month and due the ongoing vaccination process it will take a little longer to evacuate the center and availability of the hall for any current exhibitions.

COVID19 – Proton of Malaysia may shut production of SAGA, X70 and X50 as Malaysia enters lockdown

Infection surges in Southeast Asia threaten global supply chains

Due to the commencement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) from 1 June-14 June 2021, sales activities at all PROTON outlets will temporarily cease starting Tuesday, 1 June.

Our service centres will continue to operate, and servicing of vehicles will be by appointment only. Bookings can be made by calling individual service centres or via the MyProton app. Walk-in customers will not be entertained.
For emergency cases, please contact our Customer Care hotline, for urgent assistance (available 24-hours). For inquiries, please send us an e-mail.

Malaysian automakers Proton may shut their production plant of SAG, X-70 and X-50 as Toyota Motor and Honda Motor already shut down production in Malaysia from 1st June, as the nation goes into a lockdown, raising concerns that surging coronavirus cases in Southeast Asia will cripple global supply chains.

Supply of Proton products including CBU units and CKD to Pakistan already effected due to pandemic and now this current lockdown will brings more halt, while production facilities equipments and other necessary plant related machinery may delay too.

According to official announcement at Proton website “Due to the commencement of the Movement Control Order (MCO) from 1 June-14 June 2021, sales activities at all PROTON outlets will temporarily cease starting Tuesday, 1 June.

Our service centres will continue to operate, and servicing of vehicles will be by appointment only. Bookings can be made by calling individual service centres or via the MyProton app. Walk-in customers will not be entertained.
For emergency cases, please contact our Customer Care hotline, for urgent assistance (available 24-hours). For inquiries, please send us an e-mail.”

Malaysia imposes a nationwide lockdown on Tuesday, shutting most industries through June 14. Auto manufacturers and steelmakers will be permitted to continue operating but may send only 10% of their employees to work, while electronics, chemical and pharmaceutical companies will be limited to 60%.

Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, countries that previously avoided the worst of the pandemic, are now seeing rapid increases in infections. The region serves as a key manufacturing hub for intermediate goods as companies shift production away from China. Now the surging cases are threatening to disrupt global manufacturing.

PROTON in April-21 began work on a further addition to their Tanjung Malim plant. The company performed a ground breaking ceremony for a new stamping facility that will complement the existing lines. This expansion will house a new Super large press machine to further enhance stamping abilities. More significantly, it is part of PROTON’s overarching plan to increase levels of localisation, both for current and future models.

With an investment of RM 200 million, this new facility is part of PROTON’s plan to make Tanjung Malim a world class manufacturing plant. This is on top of the RM 1.2 billion that was spent previously. The new press will allow for the stamping of much larger pieces of bodywork and other parts.

The company says that this investment is part of its growth strategy as well as for future planning as it is designed to allow for the manufacturing of more model lines. It is also in line with PROTON’s technology strategy as the new area will include state-of-the-art tools as well as systems.

New daily infections in Malaysia have nearly doubled over the past week as low vaccination rates lead to the spread of contagious variants. Reported cases reached a record of 9,020 on Saturday, or more than 200 per 1 million people — a higher rate than in India, which has only recently shown signs of improvement from one of the world’s worst outbreaks.

Infections have trended upward in Thailand since March, when a cluster of cases tied to a more infectious variant first found in the U.K. was detected in a Bangkok nightlife district. Taiwan’s New Kinpo Group halted operations at a printer and telecommunications equipment factory in Thailand on May 20 after an outbreak was detected there.
Meanwhile, a “hybrid” with traits from the U.K. and India variants has been found in areas of northern Vietnam that are packed with industrial parks, and authorities are increasingly worried about the threat to supply chains.

Thailand is the region’s largest car manufacturing hub, from which Toyota and other Japanese automakers export finished vehicles to elsewhere in Southeast Asia as well as markets in the Middle East and Oceania. Vietnam is a top manufacturing center for Samsung Electronics, supplying handsets to markets as distant as Europe and the U.S.
In Thailand, a few factories on the end of supply chains were forced to close due to outbreaks among workers. Medical glove manufacturer Sri Trang Gloves shut its plants indefinitely in the southern cities of Trang and Surat Thani on orders from authorities, after 41 employees tested positive for COVID-19.

The company had benefited from higher demand for latex gloves during the pandemic. The two factories have a combined production capacity of 1.9 billion pieces per year, accounting for around half of Sri Trang Gloves’ total capacity.

Charoen Pokphand Foods, the food-processing arm of Thailand’s largest conglomerate, is closing a poultry processing plant roughly 100 km north of Bangkok for five days until Thursday. Two hundred forty-five out of 5,800 workers at the closed plant had tested positive as of Sunday. CP Foods’ 18 other food-processing and feed factories will continue operating as normal, according to the company.

The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations has become an increasingly important producer and exporter of intermediate goods in recent years. The annual added value of exports from nine ASEAN members more than doubled in the decade through 2019, according to Mizuho Research & Technologies, the sharpest rise among the five main global regions studied. The region held a 10.5% share of this added value.
Asia had endured fewer coronavirus cases than the U.S. and Europe until recently. But the region recently reported more than 210,000 new daily infections, more than 40% of the worldwide total, with slow vaccine rollouts seen as a major factor.

Honda Pakistan Accelerates Customer Spare Part Planning by 80% Using IBM Systems and Storage Solutions

Infrastructure transformation enables enhanced data-driven capabilities and faster and better-informed decision-making

Karachi, Pakistan –xx 2021: IBM (NYSE: IBM) and GBM Pakistan (Private) Limited (GBM Pakistan), an IBM Business Partner, today announced that Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan (Honda Pakistan) has selected IBM Systems and IBM Storage solutions to run its real-time planning solution, based on SAP S/4HANA. The move was designed to enhance customer experience across Honda Pakistan’s 35 dealerships in the country and boost its after-sales services. Today, Honda Pakistan benefits from an approximately 80% acceleration in spare part planning for its customers.

Honda Pakistan is a joint venture between Honda Motor Company Limited and the Atlas Group of Companies and produces over 50K units per annum. In 2015, it turned to IBM Global Business Services (GBS) to deploy its initial SAP ECC Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to benefit from real-time planning and in turn, improve customer experience.

Recently, IBM GBS completed an IBM HANA Impact Assessment, which helped Honda Pakistan plan for the technical and operational requirements of the SAP S/4HANA move. To further enhance and nurture long-term customer loyalty, the company decided to revamp its after-sales services, which include maintenance, repairs, and vehicle servicing and collaborated with IBM and GBM Pakistanto implement IBM Power Systems and IBM FlashSystem Storage for its new SAP S/4HANA environment.

“In just a few years, rapid economic growth in Pakistan has caused dramatic changes both in the competitive landscape and consumer expectations,”Mr. Maqsood-ur-Rehman Rehmani Vice President, Honda Pakistan. “At Honda Pakistan, customer experience lies at the core of everything that we do and our after-sales service is no different. It is incredibly important for maintaining customer loyalty which is why we have turned to IBM processing and storage solutions and GBM Pakistan to revamp our services and further enhance customer satisfaction.”

Through the deployment of IBM Power Systems, Honda Pakistan today benefits from optimized performance and real-time planning. It also was able to drive up server utilization and reduce its spending on power and cooling in its data center.

As part of the transformation, Honda Pakistan also moved SAP S/4HANA to the IBM FlashSystem 5000 for fast access to its growing data volumes. With the addition of the FlashSystem and the greater availability to data the company is able to fuel analytics to make better-informed decisions, more quickly. In the past, generating reports on spare parts orders from its dealerships across Pakistan required up to 20 minutes to complete. Today, this process only requires a few minutes—a reduction of approximately 80 percent, freeing up the time of employees for more strategic initiatives.

“In a growing sector like the automotive industry in Pakistan, digital transformation and implementation of new technologies such as IBM Power Systems and IBM FlashSystem storage determines how much data can be stored and how fast it can be transmitted, processed and accessed,”says Asif Ahmad, Country General Manager, IBM Pakistan. “The improvement in efficiency for Honda Pakistan’s unique business requirements truly demonstrates the importance of continuing to evolve technology provisions within enterprises.”

“We are delighted to be announcing yet another landmark IT project, this time for a leading automotive company, Honda Pakistan,”said Saqib Ahmad Khan, Country General Manager, GBM Pakistan. “Honda Pakistan has been taking bold, innovative steps to redefine customer experience, and this project is yet another testament to the company’s commitment to its customers.”

GBM Pakistan is a member of IBM PartnerWorld, IBM’s partner program that empowers businesses with the tools and resources they need to help transform clients into industry leaders.

  • Press Release

Beginning of Automobile Industry

Most of the Automobile concerns might know that the Registered Journey of Automobile started from UK back in 1860. Most of the intellectuals worked on the development of a successful Vehicle which could serve the need of the time. As the Journey Started from UK it went on in West (US), Europe (France & Germany), Asia Pacific & so on. Only successful Brands were heard whereas many merged into renowned brands or role down their private projects.

Automobiles successful Market has been revolving from UK, US, Germany, France, Japan, Korea & Now CHINA / Asia Pacific. Companies more or less have been learning from Top seller’s success stories. Almost every follower enhanced features & technology in-accordance to market demand by the passage of time. Companiesfocusing on R&D made it in the top Club of Big producers / sellers.

Today’s Automobile Companies are focusing on innovation based on mainly Safety, Comfort, Luxury& Economy.  There was a time when vehicles were sold through huge advertisements whereas now a days vehicles are sold based upon its Reputation / customer experience of Dealership & Product it-self.

This is the list of the 15 largest publicly-traded car manufacturers by market capitalization as of 23 January 2021, according to CompaniesMarket.

RankGroupReg. baseMarket cap (US dollars)
1TeslaUnited States$772.50 billion
2ToyotaJapan$222.83 billion
3BYDChina$111.32 billion
4VolkswagenGermany$106.55 billion
5NIOChina$95.49 billion
6DaimlerGermany$85.29 billion
7General MotorsUnited States$78.75 billion
8BMWGermany$55.45 billion
9VolvoSweden$51.62 billion
10FerrariItaly$51.24 billion
11Great Wall MotorsChina$50.90 billion
12StellantisNetherlands$50.19 billion
13HyundaiSouth Korea$48.96 billion
14HondaJapan$48.84 billion
15FordUnited States$46.78 billion
Top 10 largest motor vehicle manufacturers by revenue (2019)
RankGroupCountryRevenue (USD)
4FordUnited States$156B
6General MotorsUnited States$137.2B
10HyundaiSouth Korea$90.8B

Share Holdings:

It is common for automobile manufacturers to hold stakes in other automobile manufacturers. These ownerships can be explored under the detail for the individual companies.

Notable current relationships include:[citation needed]

Joint ventures

China joint venture

Beijing Automotive Group has a joint venture with Daimler called Beijing Benz, both companies hold a 50-50% stake. Both companies also have a joint venture called Beijing Foton Daimler Automobile.

By Chinese Companies out of China.

Daimler AG and BYD Auto have a joint venture called Denza, both companies hold a 50-50% stake.

The above information has been gathered from different Media sources, Hence any variation in stated information is regretted in Advance.